Saturday, August 1, 2015

Review- Real Vampires Don't Sparkle by Amy Facteau

Let me begin by starting very clearly I'm not a professional book reviewer. I happen to like to read and I read all genres. My goal is to read a book a week and thanks to some brain at Amazon, I can now read for free. 

I bet every author who ever slaved over lines of prose is real happy about everyone being able to read for free. I never did understand how giving away books is the way to make money, but it's a different world from my youth. Anyway - let me tell you about this book I read. I got it free off Bookbub. 

Real Vampires Don't Sparkle by Amy Facteau. 

Matheus Taylor didn’t ask to be murdered. To be fair, the percentage of people actually asking to be murdered is probably small enough to be safely ignored, but he felt it was worth stating regardless. His life might have been ordinary, but it was his life and he wasn’t done with it yet.

Quin didn’t care. A seventeen-hundred old Roman, Quintus Livius Saturnius had a different view of morality than most people. Killing Matheus and hijacking his undead existence seemed perfectly acceptable to him.

Now, Matheus spends his nights running for his life, questioning his sexual orientation, and defying a mysterious new threat to the vampires within his city.

Not that he set out to do any defying; he just wanted to be left alone. Unfortunately, that was never going to happen.

I like a good vampire story. This one got off on the right foot with me simply by spelling vampire with an "i" and not a "y".  It opened with Matheus being attacked by the vampire and went on to detail his transformation woes, of which there were many. Matheus tried to be tough, but it was pretty clear he fell in love with his sire. 

Here you'd think the author would roll out the sex, but no. (The book is remarkably lacking in that department for my taste but it kept me reading in hope.) A quirky cast of characters is introduced, the dialogue takes off, and the author builds a grandiose shadow-world right in suburbia's back yard. 

The author is very good with witty, sarcastic dialogue. The first half of the book certainly entertained. But after awhile, Matheus' snark wore a little thin. Railing against that which cannot be changed is immature. I expected him to act that way immediately after the transformation, but he didn't work past it. 

It was also at the halfway point the author got a little "wordy." I was reminded of the Book of Matthew. Matthew's scribe never used ten words when thirty would suffice. The prose could have been shortened, much like this review. 

All in all, a good read that held my attention all the way through. The author might be too wordy which is a shame because all the snark gets in the way. She's got a good vocabulary but the smartass dialogue makes it come across as condescending at times. Teenagers would probably love it. 

My major complaint - the story simply stopped. Boom. Done. I'm on the fence about buying the sequel for fear it, too, will end in the middle of nowhere. 


Monday, July 27, 2015

Retirement come, retirement put on hold

A few years ago I retired from the work force. 

It lasted about two months until my ex-employer called me and begged me to un-retire. (Seems my replacement lied about experience.) I went back with the understanding I'd work two or three days a weeks, and I got to choose the days. 

That lasted about six months and all hell broke loose. Business was booming and I was very reluctantly working full time again. 

Now the wheel has turned and I'm scaling back again. This time, I've agreed to ease into my departure. Beginning in August, I'm on a four-day workweek. As soon as a new hire comes in, it'll be three days a week. Then two. 

And then, please God, may I please actually and permanently enter my post-employment years and become The Lady of the Manor? 


PS. I may even get around to reviewing some of the better books I read. 

Sunday, May 3, 2015

So this is what happens when you forget you've got a blog

Yes, I forgot I started a blog. Perhaps it's disappointment with my inability to finalize my retirement. The universe has conspired to keep me working due to its own nefariousness. I'm certainly ready but every time I set a date, people start to weep. 

Other people. Not me. 

So maybe some day I'll actually be able to blog about books, politics and life. SOON. I need it to be SOON.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Hidden Impact of Obamacare

Anyone with a brain knew this. Read it before the leftist elite takes it down - because it's true.

Everything you've worked for all your life - you're about to lose it. 
Who has money to buy it?
Folks, it won't be someone born in the United States.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Once again - who didn't know this would be the new reality?

At the risk of getting Yahoo all pissed off at me - you know how those left-wingers are - here's a link to an Obamacare story. Hope you can get to it before they pull the plug on the story.

Make sure you read the last paragraphs, kiddies. It sums it up in two words: Obama lied.

And if you think we're not all being watched, you should have been looking over my shoulder as I tried to get that link to actually work.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

I've died and gone to hell, right?

I've died and gone to hell, right?

Vladimir Putin has an editorial in the New York Times. (I'll never spend money in the Big Apple again, either, by the way.) I can't read it because I don't have an account, nor will I ever now, but I don't need to read it. Just the mere fact it happened tells me all I need to know.

I would hope the Democrats and other Liberals are smart enough to realize what just happened, but I know they're not.

We just handed the reins of the planet over to the RUSSIANS.

Way to go, Mr. "President." Way to fucking go.